Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 49

Socialization complete - Indy can no longer be considered feral.  I now refer to her as my ex-feral kitten :)

For the last week she has been free full time, not locked up at all, even while we are at work.  No issues, no problems.

She is still a lap cat.  Unless she is super hyper, any time you sit on the floor she will crawl in your lap.  Also, if you wake her up from sleeping any time or anywhere, she follows you purring until you pick her up or sit down so she can get in your lap.  She loves to be held and carried around, unless she is hyper/playing.

Indy is fully integrated with the rest of the cats too.  She absolutely adores Thumper and loves to rub against her, and play with her.  She even jumps on Thumper like she's a big stuffed animal.  Thumper tolerates it well, rarely any push back.

Ginger does start minor trouble from time to time, but she has always done that to the other cats too (except Puff) - just her way of showing everyone who the queen of the house is.  Surprisingly, of all the cats - Indy stands up to Ginger the most.  I foresee Indy and Ginger competing for queen of the house when Indy's a littler older.

Raisinette stays away from Indy for the most part, except when they are both in hyper-active mode playing and then chase each other around.  Raisin is the only cat fast enough to keep up with Indy. 

Indy, as with the rest of the cats (and most humans) continue to avoid Puff at all costs.

The ONLY thing requiring a bit more work than expected is clipping her nails.  She is scared to death of the clippers and even growled at us while we did it last time.  We will work on that by playing with her paws more when she's in our lap or being held and showing her the nail clippers more often without clipping her nails, etc.

Here's Indy playing with Thumper's tail and about to get a paw upside the head for it.  Thumper's paw is raised in mid-strike


 Indy and Ginger playing roley poley

 Thumper and Indy on the cat tree

 My ex-feral kitten :)